New Trail Sections
Have you noticed? The West Kelowna Trail Crew has been busy building new sections of trail.
Whew! It’s been a busy spring. Together, with the help from our volunteers, these are the new trail segments we’ve built.
- New start to the Holy Pail Climb from parking lot. This the new “Go to” for starting your climb.
- New Finish to Dear Santa to parking lot. Huge improvement, fun, definitely worth checking out.
- Re-Route of Kid-Dyno where it used to cross Holy Pail climb trail.
- Small re-alignment of Feel the Love near the car ride-thru on Holy Pail. This was a blown-out section was not fixable.
- Re-Route on Holy Pail to bypass the steep, off camber, climb section near Feel The Love Trailhead. Also Creates a new Lookout Point.