Rose Valley trails to get more attention in 2022

Let’s make Rose Valley Great Again!
You may or may not have noticed that, for several years, the WKTCS has been spending a majority of their effort on the Smith Creek Trail System.
We were very focused on getting our official Section 56 recognition for those trails. There was a substantial amount of work that needed to be done to make that happen. Now with the official recognition of the "Smith Creek Recreactional Trail", we are poised to begin a more balanced work schedule.
Rose Valley will see much more attention this year. To catch up on maintenance, and upgrade projects, We have planned almost double the trails days for Rose Valley in 2022. As usual Mike will also be working hard in the background with his dedicated crew.
Here is a list of new work we hope to complete at RV, approval pending, in 2022:
-Resurrection of Dueling Banjos
-Addition of short, optional, side trails to Jabbarocky
-Addition of some new Signage to help reduce Biker/Hiker conflict
We were very focused on getting our official Section 56 recognition for those trails. There was a substantial amount of work that needed to be done to make that happen. Now with the official recognition of the "Smith Creek Recreactional Trail", we are poised to begin a more balanced work schedule.
Rose Valley will see much more attention this year. To catch up on maintenance, and upgrade projects, We have planned almost double the trails days for Rose Valley in 2022. As usual Mike will also be working hard in the background with his dedicated crew.
Here is a list of new work we hope to complete at RV, approval pending, in 2022:
-Resurrection of Dueling Banjos
-Addition of short, optional, side trails to Jabbarocky
-Addition of some new Signage to help reduce Biker/Hiker conflict