2024 Trail Maintenance Days

MAY 26
Bike Raffle for Rose Valley Trails

MTBCo / WKTCS Season Kick-off Event 2024

Hot Lap Fridays

What’s the post-fire plan for Rose Valley trails?

As with most things in life, the answer is, “it’s complicated”…
As of the writing of this post, the area is still closed to recreational use, and to the West Kelowna Trail Crew. The trail network will remain closed until further notice.
The area still needs to be assessed by the various levels of BC Forestry and regional land managers (RDCO, WFN, etc..). This assessment won’t happen until at least late spring 2024. Until all the governmental stakeholders complete their assessments and remediation activities in the area, we won’t fully understand what the future of the trail networks looks like.
The Good news, already, there are initiatives underway by some local bike shops to help raise money and items needed for the future rehabilitation of Rose Valley.
The bad news, until we get word, and approval, from the authorities, we have no basis to start on any sort of work plan. As such, we will also not be planning any “Trail Days” for the Rose Valley network this year.,
We are optimistic that, with time, the trail network will be restored to a version of its former glory. In the meantime, we just have to be patient.
West Kelowna Trail Crew.
It’s AGM Time Again

Friday November 17th
7:30pm to 9:00pm
Lakeview Heights Community Center
For Paid Members, Sponsors, & Community Partners
Let’s stop destructive activity at West Kelowna trail networks…

The season hasn’t even started yet and we have already had to deal with misuse/abuse of the trail network and amenities.
Thanks to Recreational Sites & Trails BC

Are you enjoying the new parking lot at the Smith Creek Trailhead?
Well, you can thank Rec Sites & Trails BC.
RSTBC spearheaded and funded all of the new found trailhead amenities. With the West Kelowna Trail Crew’s Partnership agreement in place to maintain these added features, RSTBC felt comfortable in spending the money to provide all of us with a great new trailhead.
Rose Valley trails to get more attention in 2022

You may or may not have noticed that, for several years, the WKTCS has been spending a majority of their effort on the Smith Creek Trail System.
We were very focused on getting our official Section 56 recognition for those trails. There was a substantial amount of work that needed to be done to make that happen. Now with the official recognition of the “Smith Creek Recreactional Trail”, we are poised to begin a more balanced work schedule.
Rose Valley will see much more attention this year. To catch up on maintenance, and upgrade projects, We have planned almost double the trails days for Rose Valley in 2022. As usual Mike will also be working hard in the background with his dedicated crew.
Here is a list of new work we hope to complete at RV, approval pending, in 2022:
-Resurrection of Dueling Banjos
-Addition of short, optional, side trails to Jabbarocky
-Addition of some new Signage to help reduce Biker/Hiker conflict
Thank-You to our Adopt-A-Trail Sponsors

The sponsors that adopt our trails provide us with a revenue stream that will allow us to provide new exciting trails and features in the years to come.
All of our existing Trail Sponsors from last year have graciously renewed their community commitment for 2022. Plus, we have a few new Trail Sponsors as well.